This is the AWS compatible Public Cloud API Reference. It provides descriptions, API request parameters, and the XML response for each of the API actions that Leaseweb supports.
The purpose of the AWS compatible Public Cloud API is to make the migration easy for the users to switch from the AWS EC2 to the Leaseweb Public Cloud APIs.
NOTE: Since AWS EC2 and Public Cloud APIs are not 100% matched, Leaseweb hard-coded some request/response attributes, which you can see in schema definition.
NOTE: This API is in BETA. Documentation might be incorrect or incomplete. Functionality might change with the final release.
AWS compatible APIs have two types of error codes:
Client errors: These errors are usually caused by something the client did, such as specifying an incorrect or invalid parameter in the request, or using an action or resource on behalf of a user that doesn't have permission to use the action or resource. These errors are accompanied by a 400-series HTTP response code.
Server errors: These errors are usually caused by an AWS compatible APIs server-side issue. These errors are accompanied by a 500-series HTTP response code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Code>ERROR CODE 1</Code>
<Message>ERROR MESSAGE 1</Message>
<Code>ERROR CODE 2</Code>
<Message>ERROR MESSAGE 2</Message>
<RequestID>REQUEST ID</RequestID>
Describes the specified instances or all instances.
If you specify instance IDs, the output includes information for only the specified instances.
If you specify filters, the output includes information for only those instances that meet the filter criteria.
If you do not specify instance IDs or filters, the output includes information for all instances, which can affect performance. We recommend that you use pagination to ensure that the operation returns quickly and successfully.
If you specify an instance ID that is not valid, an error is returned. If you specify an instance that you do not own, it is not included in the output.
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=<FILTER_NAME>,Values=<FILTER_VALUE>" --endpoint-url <LEASEWEB_AWS_EC2_SERVER_URL>
Filter.N.instance-id | string Example: Filter.N.instance-id=29145c92-4a68-4c63-aaeb-f2212d85a74a The ID of the instance. |
Filter.N.ip-address | string Example: Filter.N.ip-address=123.456.7.8 The public IPv4 address of the instance. |
Filter.N.tag:reference | string Example: Filter.N.tag:reference=reference The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource. Use the tag key in the filter name and the tag value as the filter value. For example, to find all resources that have a tag with the key reference and the value TeamA, specify tag:reference for the filter name and TeamA for the filter value. |
Filter.N.instance-state-name | string Enum: "pending" "running" "shutting-down" "terminated" "stopping" "stopped" Example: Filter.N.instance-state-name=pending The state of the instance. |
Filter.N.instance-type | string Example: Filter.N.instance-type=t2.micro The type of instance. The documentation has a complete list. |
Filter.N.availability-zone | string Example: Filter.N.availability-zone=eu-west-1 The Availability Zone of the instance. |
MaxResults | integer Example: MaxResults=10 The maximum number of items to return for this request. To get the next page of items, make another request with the token returned in the output. |
NextToken | integer Example: NextToken=1 The token returned from a previous paginated request. Pagination continues from the end of the items returned by the previous request. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <DescribeInstancesResponse xmlns=''> <nextToken>1</nextToken> <requestId>f7f55139-53d4-4b5f-bd7f-dbeddee039c0</requestId> <reservationSet> <item> <reservationId></reservationId> <instancesSet> <item> <instanceId>10a6163b-03c6-4303-a274-c96fa2217503</instanceId> <imageId>UBUNTU_22_04_64BIT</imageId> <instanceState> <code>16</code> <name>RUNNING</name> </instanceState> <amiLaunchIndex>-1</amiLaunchIndex> <instanceType>lsw.m3.large</instanceType> <launchTime>2024-05-07T12:02:49+0000</launchTime> <placement> <availabilityZone>eu-west-3</availabilityZone> <groupName></groupName> <tenancy></tenancy> </placement> <subnetId></subnetId> <vpcId></vpcId> <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress> <ipAddress></ipAddress> <architecture>x86_64</architecture> <rootDeviceType></rootDeviceType> <virtualizationType></virtualizationType> <tagSet> <item> <key>reference</key> <value>test ono 3</value> </item> </tagSet> <cpuOptions> <coreCount>2</coreCount> <threadsPerCore>-1</threadsPerCore> </cpuOptions> <networkInterfaceSet> <item> <networkInterfaceId></networkInterfaceId> <subnetId></subnetId> <vpcId></vpcId> <description></description> <ownerId></ownerId> <status></status> <macAddress></macAddress> <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress> <privateDnsName></privateDnsName> <sourceDestCheck></sourceDestCheck> <groupSet> <item> <groupId></groupId> <groupName></groupName> </item> </groupSet> <attachment> <attachmentId></attachmentId> <deviceIndex>-1</deviceIndex> <status></status> <attachTime>2000-01-01T00:00:00+0000</attachTime> <deleteOnTermination></deleteOnTermination> </attachment> <association> <publicIp></publicIp> <publicDnsName></publicDnsName> <ipOwnerId></ipOwnerId> </association> <privateIpAddressesSet> <item> <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress> <privateDnsName></privateDnsName> <primary></primary> <association> <publicIp></publicIp> <publicDnsName></publicDnsName> <ipOwnerId></ipOwnerId> </association> </item> </privateIpAddressesSet> <ipv6AddressesSet> <item> <ipv6Address></ipv6Address> </item> </ipv6AddressesSet> </item> </networkInterfaceSet> </item> </instancesSet> </item> </reservationSet> </DescribeInstancesResponse>
Launches an instance using an image for which you have permissions.
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id <IMAGE_ID> --placement AvailabilityZone=<REGION> --instance-type <INSTANCE_TYPE> --endpoint-url <LEASEWEB_AWS_EC2_SERVER_URL>
InstanceType required | string Example: InstanceType=lsw.t2.micro The instance type. |
ImageId required | string Example: ImageId=UBUNTU_22_04_64BIT The name of the image. An image is required to launch an instance and must be specified here. The documentation has a complete list. |
Placement required | string Example: Placement=eu-west-1 The placement for the instance. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <RunInstancesResponse xmlns='http: //'> <groupSet/> <instancesSet> <item> <instanceId>10a6163b-03c6-4303-a274-c96fa2217503</instanceId> <imageId>UBUNTU_22_04_64BIT</imageId> <instanceState> <code>0</code> <name>CREATING</name> </instanceState> <amiLaunchIndex>-1</amiLaunchIndex> <instanceType>lsw.m3.large</instanceType> <launchTime>2024-05-07T12: 02: 49+0000</launchTime> <placement> <availabilityZone>eu-west-3</availabilityZone> <groupName></groupName> <tenancy></tenancy> </placement> <subnetId></subnetId> <vpcId></vpcId> <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress> <ipAddress></ipAddress> <architecture>x86_64</architecture> <rootDeviceType></rootDeviceType> <virtualizationType></virtualizationType> <tagSet> <item> <key>reference</key> <value></value> </item> </tagSet> <cpuOptions> <coreCount>2</coreCount> <threadsPerCore>-1</threadsPerCore> </cpuOptions> <networkInterfaceSet> <item> <networkInterfaceId></networkInterfaceId> <subnetId></subnetId> <vpcId></vpcId> <description></description> <ownerId></ownerId> <status></status> <macAddress></macAddress> <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress> <privateDnsName></privateDnsName> <sourceDestCheck></sourceDestCheck> <groupSet> <item> <groupId></groupId> <groupName></groupName> </item> </groupSet> <attachment> <attachmentId></attachmentId> <deviceIndex>-1</deviceIndex> <status></status> <attachTime>2000-01-01T00: 00: 00+0000</attachTime> <deleteOnTermination></deleteOnTermination> </attachment> <association> <publicIp></publicIp> <publicDnsName></publicDnsName> <ipOwnerId></ipOwnerId> </association> <privateIpAddressesSet> <item> <privateIpAddress></privateIpAddress> <privateDnsName></privateDnsName> <primary></primary> <association> <publicIp></publicIp> <publicDnsName></publicDnsName> <ipOwnerId></ipOwnerId> </association> </item> </privateIpAddressesSet> <ipv6AddressesSet> <item/> </ipv6AddressesSet> </item> </networkInterfaceSet> </item> </instancesSet> <requesterId></requesterId> <requestId></requestId> <reservationId></reservationId> </RunInstancesResponse>
Starts a Public Cloud instance that you've previously stopped.
aws ec2 start-instances --endpoint-url <LEASEWEB_AWS_EC2_SERVER_URL> --instance-ids <INSTANCE_ID>
InstanceId.1 required | string Example: InstanceId.1=29145c92-4a68-4c63-aaeb-f2212d85a74a The instance id. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <StartInstancesResponse xmlns='http: //'> <instancesSet> <item> <instanceId>10a6163b-03c6-4303-a274-c96fa2217503</instanceId> </item> </instancesSet> <requestId>10a6163b-03c6-4303-a274</requestId> </StartInstancesResponse>
Stops a Public Cloud instance that you've previously started.
aws ec2 stop-instances --endpoint-url <LEASEWEB_AWS_EC2_SERVER_URL> --instance-ids <INSTANCE_ID>
InstanceId.1 required | string Example: InstanceId.1=29145c92-4a68-4c63-aaeb-f2212d85a74a The instance id. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <StopInstancesResponse xmlns='http: //'> <instancesSet> <item> <instanceId>10a6163b-03c6-4303-a274-c96fa2217503</instanceId> </item> </instancesSet> <requestId>10a6163b-03c6-4303-a274</requestId> </StopInstancesResponse>
Reboot a Public Cloud instance.
aws ec2 reboot-instances --endpoint-url <LEASEWEB_AWS_EC2_SERVER_URL> --instance-ids <INSTANCE_ID>
InstanceId.1 required | string Example: InstanceId.1=29145c92-4a68-4c63-aaeb-f2212d85a74a The instance id. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <RebootInstancesResponse xmlns='http: //'> <return>true</return> <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId> </RebootInstancesResponse>
Create a load balancer, by providing the type, subnet, and a name.
aws elbv2 create-load-balancer --type <TYPE> --name <NAME> --subnets <REGION> --endpoint-url <LEASEWEB_AWS_EC2_SERVER_URL>
Name required | string Example: Name=Test-Load-Blancer An identifying name you can refer to the load balancer. |
Type required | |
Subnets.member.1 required | string Example: Subnets.member.1=eu-west-3 Region to launch the load balancer into. The documentation has a complete list |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <CreateLoadBalancerResponse xmlns=''> <CreateLoadBalancerResult> <LoadBalancers> <member> <LoadBalancerArn>1ac942f4-cdd9-4c00-973f-ed82a92940cb</LoadBalancerArn> <LoadBalancerName>Test-Load-Blancer</LoadBalancerArn> <CreatedTime>2024-06-14T09:02,:31+00:00</CreatedTime>, <Type>lsw.m3.large</Type> <State> <Code>provisioning</Code> </State> <AvailabilityZones> <member> <ZoneName>eu-west-3</ZoneName> </member> </AvailabilityZones> </member> </LoadBalancers> </CreateLoadBalancerResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>8008e3fb-f671-46ab-ade4-871ca5508845</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </CreateLoadBalancerResponse>
Describes the specified load balancer or all load balancers.
If you specify load balancer IDs, the output includes information for only the specified load balancer.
If you specify names, the output includes information for only those load balancers that meet the name criteria.
If you do not specify load balancer IDs or names, the output includes information for all load balancers, which can affect performance. We recommend that you use pagination to ensure that the operation returns quickly and successfully.
If you specify a load balancer ID that is not valid, an error is returned. If you specify a load balancer that you do not own, it is not included in the output.
aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --load-balancer-arns <LOAD_BALANCER_ID> --names <NAME> --endpoint-url <LEASEWEB_AWS_EC2_SERVER_URL>
LoadBalancerArns.member.N | string Example: LoadBalancerArns.member.N=29145c92-4a68-4c63-aaeb-f2212d85a74a The ID of the load balancer. |
Names.member.N | string Example: Names.member.N=test-name The name of the load balancer. |
PageSize | integer Example: PageSize=10 The maximum number of items to return for this request. To get the next page of items, make another request with the token returned in the output. |
Marker | integer Example: Marker=1 The token returned from a previous paginated request. Pagination continues from the end of the items returned by the previous request. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <DescribeLoadBalancersResponse xmlns=''> <DescribeLoadBalancersResult> <NextMarker>1</NextMarker> <LoadBalancers> <member> <LoadBalancerArn>1ac942f4-cdd9-4c00-973f-ed82a92940cb</LoadBalancerArn> <LoadBalancerName>Test</LoadBalancerArn> <CreatedTime>2024-06-14T09:02,:31+00:00</CreatedTime>, <Type>lsw.m3.large</Type> <State> <Code>active</Code> </State> <AvailabilityZones> <member> <ZoneName>eu-west-3</ZoneName> </member> </AvailabilityZones> </member> </LoadBalancers> </DescribeLoadBalancersResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>8008e3fb-f671-46ab-ade4-871ca5508845</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </DescribeLoadBalancersResponse>
Register one/multiple instance(s) to load balancer.
aws elbv2 register-targets --target-group-arn <LOAD_BALANCER_ID> --targets Id=<INSTANCE_ID> Id=<ANOTHER_INSTANCE_ID> --endpoint-url <LEASEWEB_AWS_EC2_SERVER_URL>
TargetGroupArn required | string Example: TargetGroupArn=29145c92-4a68-4c63-aaeb-f2212d85a74a The ID of the load balancer. |
Targets.member.N.Id required | string Example: Targets.member.N.Id=Targets.member.1.Id=800c43a4-8c74-4f92-9cd0-5fa883c8ca35&Targets.member.2.Id=810c43a4-8c74-4f92-9cd0-5fa883c8ca35 Instance ID(s) register to load balancer. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <Empty/>
Create a listener for a load balancer.
The Load Balancer ID is required.
The default-actions parameter is required.
The protocol and port are optional. If not specified, a listener with "HTTP" and port "80" will be created by default.
aws elbv2 create-listener --load-balancer-arn <LOAD_BALANCER_ID> --protocol <PROTOCOL> --port <PORT> --default-actions --endpoint-url <LEASEWEB_AWS_EC2_SERVER_URL>
LoadBalancerArn required | string Example: LoadBalancerArn=29145c92-4a68-4c63-aaeb-f2212d85a74a The ID of the load balancer. |
Protocol | string Enum: "HTTPS" "HTTP" "TCP" Example: Protocol=HTTP Protocol of the listener. |
Port | integer Example: Port=80 Port of the listener. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <CreateListenerResponse xmlns=''> <CreateListenerResult> <Listeners> <member> <LoadBalancerArn>1ac942f4-cdd9-4c00-973f-ed82a92940cb</LoadBalancerArn> <Protocol>HTTP</Protocol> <Port>80</Port>, <ListenerArn>2ac942f4-cdd9-4c00-973f-ed82a92940cb</ListenerArn> </member> </Listeners> </CreateListenerResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>8008e3fb-f671-46ab-ade4-871ca5508845</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </CreateListenerResponse>